Events Calendar

The CVC offers a variety of events throughout the year which can be found on our calendar below. If you missed an event, many past events are available on-demand on our YouTube channel. Both self-paced and facilitated courses may be found in our course catalog.

Additional systemwide technology events are hosted by the California Community College’s Technology Center and may be accessed on their events calendar.

Proctorio- STARTE Learning Series

Please join using the following link: If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to Ryan Rivera @

Anthology – STAC Learning Series

The Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) is a collaboration between the California Virtual Campus and CollegeBuys focused on centralizing the procurement of online student and faculty support services. We invite you to join this session to learn about vendor information. Please join using the following link:

FeedbackFruits – STARTE Learning Series

FeedbackFruits is an integrated Teaching & Learning platform with 15 tools to deliver engaging learning experiences. By using evidence-based pedagogies and active learning design, teachers can easily create learning activities (via the LMS) which facilitate collaboration, peer-to-peer learning, and enhanced knowledge retention. These tools range from Peer

Sofia Assignments and OpenStax: A Perfect Match!

Colleges using Sofia have the perfect tools to support OpenStax texts with assignments and assessments. Hear a panel of educators share their experiences and successes with this powerful, low-cost pairing at Sofia Assignments and OpenStax: A Perfect Match on Tuesday, November 14 at 11:00 AM. Sofia includes tens of thousands of algorithmic