Events Calendar

The CVC offers a variety of events throughout the year which can be found on our calendar below. If you missed an event, many past events are available on-demand on our YouTube channel. Both self-paced and facilitated courses may be found in our course catalog.

Additional systemwide technology events are hosted by the California Community College’s Technology Center and may be accessed on their events calendar.

ConexED Training for Admins

The purpose of this training is to complete group setup and configuration. We will review the various group tabs and answer any questions.

Introduction to Proctorio’s Automated Remote Proctoring Service

This webinar will focus on introducing Faculty and Distance Education Coordinators to the Proctorio tool. We will cover the integration process and how to use the Proctorio features in a Canvas Course.   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll):

Humanizing Remote Instruction

This webinar led by Michelle Pacansky-Brock will examine the distinction between remote instruction and online learning, provide high-level recommendations to keep teaching during times of disruption, and emphasize the importance of humanizing learning at a distance. Humanizing fosters instructor-student and student-student relationships and community by intentionally supporting the non-cognitive