Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Partner in the Learning Process

Partnering with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as part of the learning process can feel daunting; where do we start and how do we know where to go from here? AI is here to stay, so let’s begin to build the framework in which it participates in our learning

STAC Office Hour

The Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) is a collaboration between the California Virtual Campus and CollegeBuys focused on centralizing the procurement of online student and faculty support services. We invite you to drop in if you would like to discuss general STAC procurement details, receive implementation support,

Navigating Privacy in Online Education:

As online education continues to thrive, ensuring privacy and data protection in virtual classrooms is paramount. Join us for an informative webinar focused on understanding and implementing privacy policies in the realm of online classes.   Registration:

Navigating Privacy in Online Education

As online education continues to thrive, ensuring privacy and data protection in virtual classrooms is paramount. Join us for an informative webinar focused on understanding and implementing privacy policies in the realm of online classes   Registration: