Events Calendar

The CVC offers a variety of events throughout the year which can be found on our calendar below. If you missed an event, many past events are available on-demand on our YouTube channel. Both self-paced and facilitated courses may be found in our course catalog.

Additional systemwide technology events are hosted by the California Community College’s Technology Center and may be accessed on their events calendar.

Enhance regular student engagement with Pisces.

This webinar will feature a tour of our Pisces collaboration suite, including available modes and features within the collaboration space. The webinar will be followed by a general Q&A session, and participants are encouraged to bring any questions they might have. Registration link for Enhance regular student

Collaborative Group Work in Online English Courses: A Strategy for Corequisite Support

Join our team of English instructors as they share effective forms of student-to-student interaction including their strategies and philosophies for creating more collaborative experiences, teaching students about shared responsibilities, working in different types of groups, and helping each other. Get inspired and excited for incorporating new strategies

Creating Student Engagement in Canvas with Pronto

Pronto is an integrated chat tool that provides a social media-like messaging experience inside of Canvas. Save time and take emails out of your inbox while better connecting with your students using Pronto. Come learn how you can use this tool to increase student engagement and success!

CVC Exchange: Home College Readiness Workshop

Becoming a Home College is a critical step for college participation in the CVC Exchange, providing your students the opportunity to cross enroll in courses offered at the current set of live Teaching Colleges. Serving as a Home College requires the establishment of a Canvas trust relationship