Events Calendar

The CVC offers a variety of events throughout the year which can be found on our calendar below. If you missed an event, many past events are available on-demand on our YouTube channel. Both self-paced and facilitated courses may be found in our course catalog.

Additional systemwide technology events are hosted by the California Community College’s Technology Center and may be accessed on their events calendar.

How to Express Care with a Focus on Racial Equity

A six-part webinar series presented by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office and the USC Rossier Center for Urban Education. The series provides strategies for faculty and administrators to exercise agency of behalf of the most vulnerable students.

Enhance Regular Student Engagement with Pisces.

This webinar will feature a tour of our Pisces collaboration suite, including available modes and features within the collaboration space. The webinar will be followed by a general Q&A session, and participants are encouraged to bring any questions they might have.

Humanizing Pre-Course Contact with Google Sites

        Humanized online teaching practices support the non-cognitive or affective dimensions of student learning. Many students who enroll in online courses, particularly those from minoritized backgrounds, do not successfully log in and complete the first week successfully. Weeks 0-1 comprise a high opportunity zone