CVC CCMS Advisory Committee Meeting
Learn how NameCoach supports your institution's diversity & inclusion initiatives through accurate name pronunciation.
Presented by: Darrell Polee from NameCoach.
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Passcode: 517665
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Meeting ID: 836 0128 2391 Passcode: 517665
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Learn how NameCoach supports your institution's diversity & inclusion initiatives through accurate name pronunciation.
Please join using the following link:
Meeting ID: 830 3145 3777; Passcode: 778798
Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) Supplier Informational Webinar for NameCoach. Learn more about the vendor's product functionality and how to order services through STAC for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9:30AM - 10AM Webinar Link
Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) Supplier Informational Webinar for NameCoach. Learn more about the vendor's product functionality and how to order services through STAC for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year.
Thursday, May 6, 2021 10AM - 10:30AM Webinar Link
Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) Supplier Informational Webinar for NameCoach. Learn more about the vendor's product functionality and how to order services through STAC for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 1PM - 1:30PM Webinar Link
Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) Supplier Informational Webinar for NameCoach. Learn more about the vendor's product functionality and how to order services through STAC for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year.
Thursday, April 14, 2021 3PM - 3:30PM Webinar Link
STAC Partner Informational: Namecoach
Name pronunciation and virtual commencement
Zoom Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 986 5340 2348
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