Introduction to NetTutor for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Learn about NetTutor--how students can access the service, tutor qualifications, subjects supported, and how NetTutor can have an impact on your students' academic success.

Monday, October 26, 12:30 pm Pacific:

Learn about NetTutor--how students can access the service, tutor qualifications, subjects supported, and how NetTutor can have an impact on your students' academic success.

Monday, October 19, 12:00 pm Pacific:

Learn about NetTutor--how students can access the service, tutor qualifications, subjects supported, and how NetTutor can have an impact on your students' academic success.

Wednesday, October 14, 12:30 pm Pacific:

How do you know if your online students are learning when you can’t see them? The short answer is: meaningful assessment.

While many people link assessments to grades, the real power of assessing our students is the insight we can get from the results. When we examine our students’ performance, we can identify what they’ve mastered and where they may still need help. Section C of the OEI Course Design Rubric provides a framework to help you design an assessment process that supports teaching and learning through thoughtful formative and summative assessments and rich feedback.

Register here.

Join Dr. Arnita Porter, Online Student Equity Specialist as she continues the conversation around Equity in Online Tutoring. This session will focus on different learning styles of tutees. We will review the tools used to address different learning styles. This session will provide tutors an Equity Toolkit Component. 

Register here:

You’re already AMAZING online tutors…now what?! Let’s make your online sessions equity-minded!

Tutors help students become independent learners and earn higher grades, stay in school longer, and reach their educational goals. Tutoring is equity in action. This Introduction to Equity and Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning (CRTL) interactive workshop will give you an opportunity to learn and engage in activities to support your efforts in helping students reach their goals and improve student success outcomes. This session will (1) introduce principles of Equity, CRTL, and Cultural Humility (2) engage participants in discussions to increase awareness and
deepen their understanding of learning barriers, such as unconscious bias and stereotype threat (3) provide tools and strategies for embedding these high-impact practices to create equity-minded online tutoring sessions that are welcoming, supportive, and learning-centered.

Join us to share ideas, build community, and network with AMAZING online equity-minded tutors!

Register here.

Campus tutors are invited to interact directly with their NetTutor peers--bring their questions and curiosity to this unscripted session. For example:

I'm used to tutoring in person. When we're online, how will I know when the student I'm helping is confused?
Will you show me how to do ___ in Pisces?
When I'm in the tutoring lab, students can see we're busy. How do I tell a student I've been helping online for a while that I need to help the next student in line?

Register here:  Tuesday, October 6, 12:00 pm Pacific / 3:00 pm Eastern

Campus tutors are invited to interact directly with their NetTutor peers--bring their questions and curiosity to this unscripted session. For example:

I'm used to tutoring in person. When we're online, how will I know when the student I'm helping is confused?
Will you show me how to do ___ in Pisces?
When I'm in the tutoring lab, students can see we're busy. How do I tell a student I've been helping online for a while that I need to help the next student in line?

Register here: Monday, October 5, 11:30 am Pacific / 2:30 pm Eastern

Campus tutors are invited to interact directly with their NetTutor peers--bring their questions and curiosity to this unscripted session. For example:

I'm used to tutoring in person. When we're online, how will I know when the student I'm helping is confused?
Will you show me how to do ___ in Pisces?
When I'm in the tutoring lab, students can see we're busy. How do I tell a student I've been helping online for a while that I need to help the next student in line?

Register here: Wednesday, September 30, 12:30 pm Pacific / 3:30 pm Eastern

Campus tutors are invited to interact directly with their NetTutor peers--bring their questions and curiosity to this unscripted session. For example:

I'm used to tutoring in person. When we're online, how will I know when the student I'm helping is confused?
Will you show me how to do ___ in Pisces?
When I'm in the tutoring lab, students can see we're busy. How do I tell a student I've been helping online for a while that I need to help the next student in line?

Register here: Monday, September 28, 12:30 pm Pacific / 3:30 pm Eastern

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This work by California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative, a project by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2024 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.