
When you enroll in a class via, the college teaching the course will send an electronic copy of your transcript to your Home College after the end of the semester/quarter so they know you completed those units and courses. However, when you are ready to transfer, you will still need to order transcripts from each college individually so that your transfer college gets copies of those official transcripts.

Transfer Credit

The college teaching the course will automatically send an electronic copy of your transcript to your Home College after the end of the term in which the course is completed. This can take up to three weeks for the college to send your transcript once the term has ended. If you need your credit sent to your Home College prior to the end of the term, you may need to request the transcript directly from the Teaching College rather than waiting for the automatic delivery at the end of term. If your home college has not received your transcript more than three weeks after the end of the term, please email

Depending on your college, classes taken via the CVC Exchange may be displayed as transfer credit on your home college's transcript. Additionally, you may need to initiate a transcript evaluation with your counselor or evaluations office. Please contact your college’s admissions or counseling department for more information. 

Transferring to a Four-Year University

If you are transferring to a four-year university or another institution, you will need to request a copy of your transcript directly from the college teaching the course. The process for ordering transcripts varies by institution, however, you will need your Teaching College identification number. Colleges may charge a fee for requesting transcripts. 

Need help finding your Teaching College ID?

You can find your Teaching College ID by logging into your CVC Exchange profile.

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