CVC CCMS Advisory Committee Meeting
Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) Supplier Informational Webinar for Pronto. Learn more about the vendor's product functionality and how to order services through STAC for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year.
Friday, April 21, 2021 2PM - 2:30PM Webinar Link
Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) Supplier Informational Webinar for Pronto. Learn more about the vendor's product functionality and how to order services through STAC for the upcoming 2021-22 fiscal year.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021 10:30AM - 11AM Webinar Link
STAC Partner Informational: Pronto by Hitlabs
Student communication and engagement platform
Zoom Meeting Information:
Meeting ID: 986 5340 2348
One Tap Mobile
+14086380968, 98653402348#
+16699006833, 98653402348#
Join us for a complimentary information session to learn more about how to keep students engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic with Pronto's synchronous messaging and videoconferencing product.
Webinar Agenda:
- Provide a details around Pronto's offering within the California Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC)
- Show an in-depth demo of the product
- Share use cases from faculty at other California community colleges that have been using Pronto to keep students engaged in a remote learning environment
- Answer any and all questions from attendees
Register here:
Join us for a complimentary information session to learn more about how to keep students engaged during the COVID-19 pandemic with Pronto's synchronous messaging and videoconferencing product.
Webinar Agenda:
- Provide a details around Pronto's offering within the California Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC)
- Show an in-depth demo of the product
- Share use cases from faculty at other California community colleges that have been using Pronto to keep students engaged in a remote learning environment
- Answer any and all questions from attendees
Register here: