NetTutor Webinars

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes)   Wednesday, July 17, 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM Eastern

Pisces Webinars

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) Wednesday, July 17, 10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern

NetTutor Webinars

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) Thursday, July 18, 10:00 AM Pacific / 1:00 PM Eastern  

Pisces Webinars

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) Thursday, July 18, 1:00 PM Pacific / 4:00 PM Eastern

Share Showcase: Teaching online physical science labs: Physical Geography

Online lab sciences leverage technology tools to meet traditional lab learning outcomes. In Allison Lenkeit Meezan’s Physical Geography class, the labs utilize a variety of online tools to give students hands-on experience observing and manipulating real-world data. In addition, students use common household tools and creativity to gather quantitative data for class analysis. In this Share Showcase webinar you will tour the CVC-OEI Quality-badged Physical Geography with Lab course (C-ID GEOG 115) and we will also discuss applications to computer science lab classes with Allison’s Introduction to Geospatial Technology with Lab class (C-ID GEOG 155).

Presenter: K. Allison Lenkeit Meezan, Foothill College, Geography Faculty


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