CVC CCMS Advisory Committee Meeting
This webinar focuses on the financial aid and Admissions & Records processes for the CVC Exchange. It is open to all financial directors and Admissions and Records staff who will be working with CVC Exchange students. Attendees will have the opportunity learn more about the CVC Exchange, the role of the Home College, the Federal Financial Aid Consortium Agreement, as well as the importance of utilizing the Exchange Admin panel for accessing student enrollment data to support SAP monitoring and residency validation.
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This webinar focuses on the financial aid and Admissions & Records processes for the CVC Exchange. It is open to all financial directors and Admissions and Records staff who will be working with CVC Exchange students. Attendees will have the opportunity learn more about the CVC Exchange, the role of the Home College, the Federal Financial Aid Consortium Agreement, as well as the importance of utilizing the Exchange Admin panel for accessing student enrollment data to support SAP monitoring and residency validation.
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