Welcome to NetTutor!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Nb3zi8N3SvKjngv8mNFitg#/registration

Welcome to Pisces!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dAI2RvB5R8OmbkJoZgByzA#/registration

Welcome to Pisces!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JZ1jy19qTOq4k4hYgDotDQ#/registration

Welcome to NetTutor!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1uuuZnfjTEKH8iqecp-hww#/registration https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UzHwW1xYTuyZ9u6Bk0cyZA#/registration

ConexED Training for Online Student Services

The purpose of this Classroom session is to provide ConexED platform training, specific to Counselors and Advisors offering online counseling (scheduled meetings and knock on door) support. We will cover the following topics:

  • Brief student experience, focusing on “schedule meeting” as this is the feature that online counseling will begin using.
  • Logging into ConexED
  • Brief overview of the left hand panel (change status as “Offline”, show Student Support Directory, etc.)
  • Customize ConexED card
  • Calendar & Scheduler Settings – create office hours, calendar integration
  • Campus Calibrate structure (department shell & groups within each department)
  • Calendar tab – view office hours, busy events, appointments, make updates to this view using the “Calendar Settings” options
  • Student Lookup – schedule appointments, view notes and meeting history, add/view alerts
  • Reports * Cafe Meetings * View scheduled appointments, join meetings
  • Cafe features and functions, replicating in-office interactions; including but not limited to Share Screen, Whiteboard, Document Library, Closed Captioning and Adding Notes and Reason Codes features
  • Archives
  • Help Desk

The purpose of this Classroom session is to provide ConexED platform training, specific to Counselors and Advisors offering online counseling (scheduled meetings and knock on door) support. We will cover the following topics. * Brief student experience, focusing on “schedule meeting” as this is the feature that online counseling will begin using. * Logging into ConexED * Brief overview of the left hand panel (change status as “Offline”, show Student Support Directory, etc.) * Customize ConexED card * Calendar & Scheduler Settings – create office hours, calendar integration * Campus Calibrate structure (department shell & groups within each department) * Calendar tab – view office hours, busy events, appointments, make updates to this view using the “Calendar Settings” options * Student Lookup – schedule appointments, view notes and meeting history, add/view alerts * Reports * Cafe Meetings * View scheduled appointments, join meetings * Cafe features and functions, replicating in-office interactions; including but not limited to Share Screen, Whiteboard, Document Library, Closed Captioning and Adding Notes and Reason Codes features * Archives * Help Desk

The purpose of this training is to complete group setup and configuration. We will review the various group tabs and answer any questions.

The purpose of this Classroom session is to provide ConexED platform training, specific to Counselors and Advisors offering online counseling (scheduled meetings and knock on door) support. We will cover the following topics. * Brief student experience, focusing on “schedule meeting” as this is the feature that online counseling will begin using. * Logging into ConexED * Brief overview of the left hand panel (change status as “Offline”, show Student Support Directory, etc.) * Customize ConexED card * Calendar & Scheduler Settings – create office hours, calendar integration * Campus Calibrate structure (department shell & groups within each department) * Calendar tab – view office hours, busy events, appointments, make updates to this view using the “Calendar Settings” options * Student Lookup – schedule appointments, view notes and meeting history, add/view alerts * Reports * Cafe Meetings * View scheduled appointments, join meetings * Cafe features and functions, replicating in-office interactions; including but not limited to Share Screen, Whiteboard, Document Library, Closed Captioning and Adding Notes and Reason Codes features * Archives * Help Desk

The purpose of this training is to complete group setup and configuration. We will review the various group tabs and answer any questions.

The purpose of this Classroom session is to provide ConexED platform training, specific to Counselors and Advisors offering online counseling (scheduled meetings and knock on door) support. We will cover the following topics:

  • Brief student experience, focusing on “schedule meeting” as this is the feature that online counseling will begin using.
  • Logging into ConexED
  • Brief overview of the left hand panel (change status as “Offline”, show Student Support Directory, etc.)
  • Customize ConexED card
  • Calendar & Scheduler Settings – create office hours, calendar integration
  • Campus Calibrate structure (department shell & groups within each department)
  • Calendar tab – view office hours, busy events, appointments, make updates to this view using the “Calendar Settings” options
  • Student Lookup – schedule appointments, view notes and meeting history, add/view alerts
  • Reports
  • Cafe Meetings
  • View scheduled appointments, join meetings
  • Cafe features and functions, replicating in-office interactions; including but not limited to Share Screen, Whiteboard, Document Library, Closed Captioning and Adding Notes and Reason Codes features
  • Archives
  • Help Desk

The purpose of this Classroom session is to provide ConexED platform training, specific to Counselors and Advisors offering online counseling (scheduled meetings and knock on door) support. We will cover the following topics.

  • Brief student experience, focusing on “schedule meeting” as this is the feature that online counseling will begin using.
  • Logging into ConexED
  • Brief overview of the left hand panel (change status as “Offline”, show Student Support Directory, etc.) * Customize ConexED card
  • Calendar & Scheduler Settings – create office hours, calendar integration
  • Campus Calibrate structure (department shell & groups within each department)
  • Calendar tab – view office hours, busy events, appointments, make updates to this view using the “Calendar Settings” options
  • Student Lookup – schedule appointments, view notes and meeting history, add/view alerts
  • Reports * Cafe Meetings
  • View scheduled appointments, join meetings
  • Cafe features and functions, replicating in-office interactions; including but not limited to Share Screen, Whiteboard, Document Library, Closed Captioning and Adding Notes and Reason Codes features
  • Archives
  • Help Desk

Brief demonstration and overview of ConexED, showcasing the various ways that students can connect using our platform.

Brief demonstration and overview of ConexED, showcasing the various ways that students can connect using our platform.

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This work by California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative, a project by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2024 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.