CVC CCMS Advisory Committee Meeting
What will the California Community Colleges new normal look like post-COVID-19? What role will distance education play in the future of our colleges? Join the Faculty Association of the California Community Colleges (FACCC) and the Academic Senate for the California Community Colleges (ASCCC) in a panel discussion about the future of distance education and faculty’s role in shaping it.
There is no charge to attend this event and more information may be found on the FACCC event page.
This webinar will provide an overview of the various Creative Commons licenses, how content with different licenses can be combined, and how to give proper attributions.
This webinar will provide an overview of the basic considerations for developing accessible content. Topics will include proper use of: links, alternative (“alt”) text, headings and styles, and colors. You will also learn about accessibility checkers for Microsoft Office products, Canvas, and websites.
In this webinar for those new to delivering content online, sources of editable content will be identified and the basics of creating content in Canvas will be discussed.
The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges is committed to providing resources to the field to further empower and help our system move forward during this time of crisis. To that end, the Academic Senate has put together a series of professional development opportunities to address some of the most critical issues facing our students and faculty today. Part 2 of the professional development series is focused on topics of governance, remote instruction, counseling, library services, and remaining equity-focused in the midst of crisis.