Moving Science Labs Online


Getting Started

To get started, review these recent articles and video to consider general tips, procedures, pros and cons, etc.

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Below is a list of scenarios for lab-based learning that faculty can use to guide them to appropriate online tools and other resources. This curated list is offered to assist faculty with selecting instructional resources that best meet their instructional needs and budget. Many of these resources include free and premium options, while others do not.


Communities for Faculty

  • CVC-OEI Online Teaching Communities of Practice for Science, Oral Communication, and Math. If you are a California Community College educator and would like to join one of these communities, send a request with your college email address (used for Canvas) to Bob Nash at and/or Logan Murray at
  • Teaching Chemistry Online Facebook Group, moderated by Julie Brown, Distance Education Coordinator/Faculty at Woodland Community College.

Mastering Techniques and Concepts


  • Virtual Lab of Fossils from Lake Turkana in East Africa.
  • BioInteractive Data-rich activities, case studies, high-quality videos, and interactive media for Biology.
  • Complete Anatomy A 3D anatomy platform, refined over 15 years of research of anatomical papers, classic textbooks, and scan data.

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  • Inspark Textbook replacements, labs, lessons, simulations, and projects. Many are open-licensed.
  • JoVE Free access to STEM education video library to aid remote teaching & learning.
  • MorphoSource 3D Skeletal Materials from Duke University - many are open-licensed.



Applying Techniques and Concepts

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  • ChemCollective General chemistry courseware (including virtual labs) free for COVID-19 impacted institutions
  • PhET Interactive simulations for Science and Math from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
  • LabArchives Customizable lab protocols and manuals.
  • Labster Simulations and short lessons for a variety of disciplines.
  • LabXchange Exposes learners to fundamental concepts and lab techniques essential to the field of biotechnology. Developed by Harvard.
  • Immersive Learning Experiences Microscopy lab utilizing virtual and augmented reality

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  • Carolina Distance Learning Kits are designed in collaboration with faculty based on course learning outcomes
  • eScience Lab Customizable lab kits for Allied Health, Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Forensics, Microbiology, Physics, Physical Science
  • Hands-On Labs Customized lab kits for Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Forensics, Geology, GOB Chemistry (for non-chemistry majors), Microbiology, Physical Science, Physics, and Build Your Own
  • Kendall Hunt Publishing Company Lab kit, manual and web resources for physical geology


Open Educational Resources

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North American Network of Science Labs Online (NANSLO) Lab activities (and a few manuals) for introductory Biology, Chemistry, and Physics courses. With WICHE as its hub, NANSLO was an international consortium of online science laboratories operated by accredited institutions in the U.S. and Canada.


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Tools for Presenting and Critiquing

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  • TechConnect (Confer) Zoom   A tool that enables synchronous conversations in voice and video that can be used for visual arts critiques, music, and dance performances, language practice, as well as presentations. California Community College faculty can sign up for a free Pro Zoom account through TechConnect.
  • PlayPosit Supported by TechConnect, allows you to turn videos into interactive assessments.

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These tools are adopted by many CCCs. Check with your local contacts to determine if you have access to them.

  • Canvas StudioLinks Recording, hosting and captioning of faculty and student-generated videos. Turns one-way, passive video into two-way discussion.
  • TechSmith
    • Camtasia Record your screen, (or yourself) then edit, caption and share faculty created videos.
    • Relay Record content videos then add engaging, relevant, authentic assessments, including quizzes, peer-review type conversations, and Canvas grade book integration.
  • VoiceThread Asynchronous conversations in voice and video around media. The media-centric learning environment makes an exceptional option for visual arts critiques, music and dance performances, language practice, as well as presentations.


Additional Curated Resource Lists

  • An evolving list  of simulations, case studies, data sets, and instructional media maintained by LeighAnn Tomaswick of Kent State University


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This work by California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative, a project by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2024 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.