Welcome to NetTutor!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Nb3zi8N3SvKjngv8mNFitg#/registration

Welcome to Pisces!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dAI2RvB5R8OmbkJoZgByzA#/registration

Welcome to Pisces!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JZ1jy19qTOq4k4hYgDotDQ#/registration

Welcome to NetTutor!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1uuuZnfjTEKH8iqecp-hww#/registration https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UzHwW1xYTuyZ9u6Bk0cyZA#/registration

Online Art Think Tank


Online Art Think Tank

Hosted by Michelle Pacansky-Brock and Hilary Gomes

Register here: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qde-rrDIpGNXZlkc77xCjeObmyiBfpBeY

Are you teaching studio art or/and art history lecture courses online? If so, join your CCC colleagues for this supportive meeting of the minds to share strategies that are working and untangle sticky problems that need improvement.

Share Showcase Webinar InfographicArt and other visually-oriented disciplines have unique needs when teaching and learning occur online. In this share showcase session, Hilary and Michelle will describe strategies for facilitating group critiques and image curation assignments with VoiceThread*, an asynchronous voice or video discussion tool with a free mobile app to support students that rely on a phone for connectivity.

*VoiceThread is not a native tool provided in Canvas, nor is it provided or support by CVC-OEI. It is an external tool that can be integrated into Canvas if an institution has a site license. With a site license, VoiceThread integrates into the Canvas gradebook, auto-generates student accounts, and (if purchased with the license) includes auto-captions. Sixteen California Community Colleges and two districts have independently purchase a site license for VoiceThread. This session is of particular interest to faculty who teach at the following institutions: Chabot College, Citrus College, City College of San Francisco, College of the Desert, College of Marin, Cuesta College, Foothill College, Laney College, Lake Tahoe Community College, Merced Community College District, Modesto Junior College, Ohlone College, Saddleback Community College, Santa Monica College, Santa Rosa Junior College, Sierra College, Southwestern Community College, West Valley-Mission Community College District 

Speakers: Hilary Gomes, Foothill College and Michelle Pacansky-Brock, CVC-OEI

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