CVC CCMS Advisory Committee Meeting
Repurpose existing content for a new use in your course (e.g. broadcast it!), Reuse video content already created, and Upcycle (modify and embellish) the resulting learning objects you’ve established to […]
Student-created videos are an essential element of the online learning experience that invites students to tell their stories, build community, and deepen connections with each other. Digital storytelling is an […]
The first step is to ensure that students with disabilities see STEM as accessible to them and that all students, can access all materials to learn. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses have unique issues to solve when it comes to designing accessible materials. Professor Kelly Spoon was bitten by the accessibility bug after […]
What do grades really measure? Is there a more accurate indicator of our students’ skills and abilities? The traditional grading system used in higher education in the U.S. is often more a measure of privilege or personality than of learning. It also creates a competitive, chilly course climate that can undermine efforts to build community […]