“Zero-textbook-cost degrees” means community college associate degrees or career technical education certificates earned entirely by completing courses that eliminate conventional textbook costs by using alternative instructional materials and methodologies, including open educational resources. Discretionary student printing of instructional materials shall not be considered a cost as part of this program (CALIFORNIA EDUCATION CODE - EDC Section 78052).
Read what Dr. LeBaron Woodyard, Dean of Academic Affairs, and Stephanie Ricks- Albert, Academic Affairs Specialist, California Community College Chancellor’s Office and others say about Open Education (Zero Textbook Cost) Degrees.
Zero Textbook Cost Degree programs address the issue of increasing textbook and instructional materials costs that affect students. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, Academic Affairs Division leads the management, policy development, and implementation of the Zero Textbook Cost Degree special project.
Community College Consortium for Open Educational Resources (CCCOER) maintains an archive of North American OER case studies and an index of past webinars.