The Student Textbook Challenge game was designed and developed to:
To get started download the .zip folder containing instructions, student start cards, required materials cards, resources cards, tally sheet, reflections page, and game board. You are welcome to remove the De Anza College map and replace it with your own college’s map as well as remove the De Anza College logo on the Bookstore space and replace it with your college’s logo. You may also modify the text on the cards. One of the features of Creative Commons Attribution licensed content is being legally able to revise the files.
We’d love to receive your feedback on this game, especially about your experiences and suggestions for development of Version 2. Please send feedback to:
© 2015, 2017 De Anza College employees Virginia Marquez, Sandra Blackborow, and Wil Byars.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Please give attribution to the above game authors.