The CVC Course Finder is an online search tool that offers students the ability to search for online courses from across all of the California community colleges. This search tool helps CCC students accelerate degree completions by providing access to high quality, online, transfer-level courses from across the CCC system.
CVC Course Finder is implemented in three stages:
1) Course finder installation and configuration – District technical personnel perform the primary technical steps which result in API connectivity.
2) Data discovery, integration, and testing - Following API connectivity, CVC performs tasks to prepare the data for import into the Course Finder UI.
3) Go-Live - Upon completion of all data-related tasks, CVC performs import of API data into Course Finder production UI.
Estimated workload for the district is 3-5 hours.
Get started today by downloading and following the instructions in our CVC Course Finder Self-Service Guide.
For support, contact