Welcome to NetTutor!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rIBkKhkyRI6AYKLzEp1gAQ#/registration

Welcome to Pisces!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HkC826OBRbmMg_bJ_O0sEA#/registration

Welcome to Pisces!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YjBuOHl-TduaZpMkJ1W2DQ#/registration https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_X3B0jrhdT52iW2rf1C8f-Q#/registration

Welcome to NetTutor!

This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2rC0nAj-TKKj_uSCoSaOVQ#/registration

Welcome to NetTutor!

Introducing the Student Support Hub

This webinar will provide an introduction to the Student Support Hub concept and the principles underlying it, including equitable design and an orientation to action. We’ll compare and contrast our Hubs with typical college websites as we provide a walkthrough of each of our Hubs. We’ll share the particular strengths and challenges we’ve experienced in […]

Creating an Equitable Course Outline of Record

Learn how to design your Course Outlines of Record (COR) with diversity, equity, inclusion, and anti-racism (DEIA) in mind! What is a COR and how is it different from a syllabus? Who is responsible for the COR? Which COR elements can be aligned with DEIA goals, and how? We will explore ways to bring the […]

Regular Substantive Interaction in Online Courses (1)

Delve into the core of RSI, understanding what it is and why it matters. This workshop will offer RSI engagement strategies, tools to enhance RSI, and how RSI fosters equity and inclusion. Participants will learn how to elevate their engagement with students to cultivate a culture of meaningful connection and interaction. Please use the following […]

Assessing Learning in Online Courses

Assessing learning in online courses can be challenging and time-consuming. In this webinar, participants will be provided with insights and practical strategies for equitably evaluating online students in the age of AI. In addition to discussing key components of effective online assessments, methods to support students in completing assessments successfully will be shared. Goals: Discuss […]

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This work by California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative, a project by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2019 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office