Welcome to NetTutor!
This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect […]
This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect […]
This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_dAI2RvB5R8OmbkJoZgByzA#/registration
This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to Pisces. Learn about the platform that was designed for academic support and student service programs. (60 minutes) REGISTER […]
This webinar offers an introduction for attendees who may be new to NetTutor. Learn how tutors are selected and trained, which subjects and modes are offered, and what to expect in a tutoring session. (60 minutes) REGISTER HERE: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1uuuZnfjTEKH8iqecp-hww#/registration https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UzHwW1xYTuyZ9u6Bk0cyZA#/registration
Join us for an informative roundtable of Learning Assistance and Tutoring professionals. STAR-CA is a new CA Community Colleges Consortium offering excellent peer tutoring utilizing the Pisces platform generously funded by CVC-OEI. STAR-CA member colleges greatly benefit from access to a wide array of common subjects by contributing trained peer tutoring to this vibrant consortium. Take the opportunity to fully meet your online tutoring needs for a diverse student population.
Register here: https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kdO-oqT8oEtFDpxQXyfrfekIf_b1Pv6jE