Webinar - Strategies and Effective Practices for Conducting Labs and Activities Online

As the pandemic persists, Career Technical Education faculty have taken on a heavy lift of delivering quality career education to their students. Laboratory modifications for online environments continue to be a challenge. This professional development session will offer resources, expert advice, and a conversation to help us all better serve our students. Bring your best ideas!

Register for Strategies and Effective Practices for Conducting Labs and Activities Online (Hard-to-Convert Courses)


Dr. Lynn Shaw, Academic Senate, CTE Curriculum Director

Jimmie Bowen, Antelope Valley College

Audrey Le Baudour, RDEE, RHT, Santa Rosa Junior College

Jorge Ochoa, Horticulture, Long Beach City College

10 State Directors, California Community Colleges  Workforce Economic Development Division

Joy Hermsen, MBA, Retail, Hospitality, Tourism

Nancy Gutierrez, Agriculture, Water, Environmental Technologies

Alan Braggins, Advanced Manufacturing

James Morante, Energy, Construction, Utilities

John “JC” Bone Cordova, RN, BSN, Health Workforce Initiative

Stephen Wright, Information Communications Technologies (ICT) and Digital Media

Leah Goold-Haws, Global Trade

Terri Quenzer, PhD, Life Sciences/Biotech

Jannet Malig, Advanced Transportation

Charles Eason, MBA, Business and Entrepreneurships

Maximum Capacity: 150 attendees

This event will utilize automated closed captioning. If you would like to request a live human closed captioner for any of our offerings, please contact us at communications@asccc.org at least 10 days in advance.

Labster, a leading provider in virtual lab simulations, has been contracted by the state Chancellor’s Office for all California Community Colleges through June 30, 2021. Labster offers students an immersive, true-to-life lab experience using a gamified platform and open-ended investigation. Students are able to interact with lab equipment, perform experiments and gain proficiency through theory-related quiz questions.

In this webinar, you will learn how to:
· integrate lab simulations into your course(s) via Canvas
· identify use cases for virtual lab simulations
· receive support/resources from Labster

While the Labster simulation catalog encompasses over 18 science disciplines, this webinar will be especially valuable to faculty in the areas of biology, chemistry and physics.

Please utilize the following Zoom link to access the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6140504328


The California Community Colleges have partnered with Labster to provide virtual lab simulations to the colleges in its system. We invite you to join our webinar to help you get the most out of Labster this Fall semester.

Topics include:
- How Labster can help bring your science course online
- Implementing Labster into your course
- Overview of Labster best practices
- How / when to contact support
- Q&A

Register here: https://www.labster.com/webinars/cccs-fall-sep-8/

Webinar graphicKelly Ruppert (Coastline College) and Mark Lawler (Lake Tahoe Community College) both teach online geology lab courses, Kelly with a lab kit and Mark with materials students can find close to home. In addition, they are both collecting online resources that they can incorporate into their online courses. In this Share Showcase, both instructors will share the resources they have found and offer a brief tour of their classes, as they discuss ways to facilitate geology labs at a distance while encouraging student engagement and interaction.

Presenters: Kelly Ruppert, Coastline College, Geology & Mark Lawler, Lake Tahoe Community College, Geology

To receive meeting login credentials, register here:  Teaching Online Science Labs: Geology Registration

For real-time captioning services, please contact support@cvc.edu at least five (5) business days prior to the event.


The California Community Colleges have partnered with Labster to provide virtual lab simulations to the colleges in its system. Join this webinar to learn best practices on engaging your biology students and reducing instructor workload with Labster’s virtual lab simulations. Labster’s Head of Content and Research, Ainara Lopez-Cordoba, will be joined by Paul Kasili, Professor of Genetics and Biotechnology at Bunker Hill Community College, who will share his experience using virtual lab simulations and his recommendations for other community college instructors.

Topics include:

How Labster can help bring your science course online
An overview of Labster’s biology simulations package
Tips, recommendations, and lessons learned from teaching with virtual labs
How to access Labster today

Register here: https://www.labster.com/webinars/cccs-teaching-biology-with-labster-virtual-labs/


The California Community Colleges have partnered with Labster to provide virtual lab simulations to the colleges in its system. Join this webinar to learn best practices on engaging your chemistry students and reducing instructor workload with Labster’s virtual lab simulations.

Labster’s Head of Content and Research, Ainara Lopez-Cordoba, will be joined by Joann Latorre, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, at Dona Ana Community College, who will share her experience using virtual lab simulations and her recommendations for other community college instructors.

Topics include:

How Labster can help bring your science course online
An overview of Labster’s chemistry simulations package
Tips, recommendations, and lessons learned from teaching with virtual labs
How to access Labster today

Register here

Online lab sciences leverage innovative strategies and technology to meet traditional lab learning outcomes. Joann Eisberg’s online astronomy labs use a variety of tools and resources that allow students to formulate scientific investigations, observe/measure phenomena, and gather/analyze/report qualitative and quantitative data. Students may choose among online simulations, online data sets, hands-on activities using common household items, and naked-eye observation, so that all can equitably participate. In this Share Showcase webinar, Joann will provide a brief tour of her fully online, fully OER course, share her teaching strategies, and survey other promising online astronomy lab resources.

Presenter: Joann Eisberg, Chaffey College, Astronomy Faculty

Before attending this webinar, we recommend watching "Online Course Development & Delivery: Science Labs",  a video archive of a session presented at OTC 2019 that provides a general introduction to teaching science lab courses online.

Register here:  https://cccconfer.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJModuqtpjkqH9Gg6LJ1QfuY8_owLrQNbdwm

For real-time captioning services, please contact Marissa Jackson (mjackson@cvc.edu) at least 5 business days prior to the webinar/meeting.

Online lab sciences leverage technology tools to meet traditional lab learning outcomes. In Allison Lenkeit Meezan’s Physical Geography class, the labs utilize a variety of online tools to give students hands-on experience observing and manipulating real-world data. In addition, students use common household tools and creativity to gather quantitative data for class analysis. In this Share Showcase webinar you will tour the CVC-OEI Quality-badged Physical Geography with Lab course (C-ID GEOG 115) and we will also discuss applications to computer science lab classes with Allison’s Introduction to Geospatial Technology with Lab class (C-ID GEOG 155).

Presenter: K. Allison Lenkeit Meezan, Foothill College, Geography Faculty



This is an open “drop in” hour for CCC Canvas Admins to get support with integrating Labster into your local instance of Canvas.

Zoom Info:


Meeting ID: 906 374 0877

Call in by phone: +1 669 900 6833 US 

This session is for CCC faculty who are transitioning lab sciences courses to remote instruction. It provides a helpful overview of Labster, the virtual lab provider that is now available to you with support from the CCC Chancellor’s Office.  The session includes an overview of Labster including a preview of discipline-specific virtual simulations and student assessments, as well as time for Q&A.

Zoom Info:


Meeting ID: 906 374 0877

Call in by phone: +1 669 900 6833 US

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This work by California Virtual Campus - Online Education Initiative, a project by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Copyright © 2024 by California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.