Terms & Definitions
Cross Enrollment or Instant Enrollment
Enrolling in an online course at a separate California Community College without filling out a separate CCCApply application.
CSU GE-Breadth
The General Education Breadth is a series of courses that California community college students may complete to satisfy the lower-division breadth/general education requirements before transferring to the California State University (CSU). The CSU GE-Breadth pattern is certified by the CCC and accepted by all CSU campuses. You can learn more by visiting this page on the CSU’s website.
Home College
The college where the student is currently enrolled at the time of registration. This is also the college where the student sets up an Educational Plan and receives benefits, including financial aid, counseling, VETS and EOPS support.
The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) is a series of courses that California community college students can complete to satisfy most freshman/sophomore-level general education requirements before transferring to a University of California (UC) campus. You can learn more by visiting this page on the UC’s website.
Teaching College
The college teaching the additional course you adding to your schedule. This college is different from your Home College.
Zero Textbook Cost
Zero Textbook Cost, or ZTC, means that students pay no additional fees for learning materials (books, lab kits, etc.). For example, some colleges may use ebooks or streaming videos through the library databases available for their students. ZTC courses have a special badge on cvc.edu, so students can search for and add these courses to save money on textbooks.