On July 07, 2020 the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) released a memo, Systemwide Online Technology Resources for Colleges to Respond to COVID-19 (DII 20-02), which detailed the systemwide technologies available to ensure the continuity of instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
On November 02, 2020 the CCCCO published an additional memo, COVID-related Technology Support Infrastructure Update (DII 20-XX), which provided an update on systemwide tools available to colleges for the 2020-21 academic year.
Colleges wishing to secure additional products at through a centralized procurement process may do so via the CCC Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC).
Canvas (Instructure): Learning Management SystemService Description All California Community Colleges have no-cost access to Canvas by Instructure, the system's Common Course Management System. Implementation Instructions All California Community Colleges have implemented Canvas. Should your college need additional support, please contact support@cvc.edu. |
Canvas 24/7 Chat Support (Instructure): LMS SupportService Description All California Community Colleges have no-cost access to 24/7 live Canvas chat support for all users. Implementation Instructions Colleges do not need to do anything to activate Canvas Support. Your college already has a dedicated phone number and live chat and help ticket channels that your students and faculty/staff can use to contact Instructure Support 24/7. Effective January 1, 2021, under the current license with Instructure, phone support will be offered only to Canvas Administrators, Monday through Friday, 6 am to 6 pm - with 10 after hours calls provided per Canvas Administrator per contract year. The only update your college will potentially need to make will be to adjust the helplines to reflect availability. These helpline links/numbers are usually located in your instance of Canvas on the left-side navigation menu, under the Help icon. Your LMS administrator should be able to make these updates. If you have any other questions, contact support@cvc.edu or your Instructure/Canvas Customer Success Manager at oeicsm@instructure.com. |
Canvas Studio (Instructure): Integrated Video Management PlatformService Description The California Community Colleges have access to the Canvas Studio integrated video management platform. Canvas Studio supports rich communication and collaboration, supports interactivity between students and instructors, and provides a fully integrated video experience, complete with artificial-intelligence generated captions (and the ability to easily edit for accuracy). Funding Support Full funding support until June 30, 2022 Implementation Instructions Studio is installed by Instructure in each instance of Canvas, not by your Canvas Administrator. For more information, contact your Instructure/Canvas Customer Success Manager at oeicsm@instructure.com. |
Ally (Blackboard): Online Accessibility SupportService Description California Community Colleges that are not already funding Ally locally may receive no-cost access to Ally, which integrates seamlessly into the Canvas learning management system and provides an easy-to-use platform focused on making digital course content more accessible and available in alternate formats. Funding Support Full funding support until June 30, 2021 Implementation Instructions In order to set up an Ally account, please contact support@cvc.edu. |
Labster: Virtual Science Lab PlatformService Description The California Community Colleges have access to the Labster platform and its entire library of simulations. This application gives students access to realistic lab experiences that will let them perform experiments and practice their skills in a fully online, virtual environment. Disciplines served include biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. Funding Support Full funding support until June 30, 2021 Implementation Instructions If your college is interested in installing Labster, please have the relevant manager send an email to support@cvc.edu that identifies the individual at your college who will be responsible for implementation. Further deployment instructions and support will be coordinated with this contact. Once installed in the district/college’s Canvas instance, instructors can enable it in one or more of their courses, depending on their preference. Labster has established a dedicated website for CCC faculty with Canvas guides, "getting started" webinars, chat help, as well as live support hours for Canvas administrators. Webinars will also be listed on the CVC-OEI Events Calendar. Please note, Labster does not offer a mobile app; students should use the platform on a desktop or laptop computer. Please review the Labster Technical Requirements. |
Pisces (Link-Systems International): Online Tutoring PlatformService Description Access to Pisces for all California Community Colleges. Pisces is a faculty-designed, 24/7 online collaboration platform. Possible applications include online tutoring, online advising, and online office hours. Funding Support Full funding support until June 30, 2021 Implementation Instructions In order to set up a Pisces (formerly WorldWideWhiteboard) account, please contact support@cvc.edu. Pisces can integrate into college websites and local instances of Canvas. Please refer to the following NetTutor & How to Pisces Guides. |
NetTutor (Link-Systems International): Online Tutoring ServiceService Description All California Community Colleges qualify for a capped centrally-funded subsidy. NetTutor is an online tutoring service that includes tutoring across disciplines, including on-demand, multi-lingual 24/7 math and English tutoring as well as the ability for students to make appointments. Contact support@cvc.edu for specific subsidy and requirements; special pricing also available through CollegeBuys. Funding Support Capped funding subsidy until June 30, 2021 Implementation Instructions In order to set up a NetTutor account, please contact support@cvc.edu. NetTutor can integrate into college websites and local instances of Canvas. Please refer to the following NetTutor & How to Pisces Guides. |
Cranium Cafe (ConexED): Online Student Services PlatformService Description Access to Cranium Cafe for colleges who are current and active users, and do not already hold a contract for service with ConexED. Cranium Cafe is a meeting and collaboration platform designed specifically for online student support (including online counseling). This offer includes local implementation of the platform at colleges that do not currently use the system. Funding Support Funding support ends December 31, 2020 Implementation Instructions In order to set up a Cranium Cafe account, please contact support@cvc.edu. ConexED can integrate into your college website and local instance of Canvas. The ConexED Support Center has several tutorials and trainings. |
Proctorio: Online Proctoring PlatformService Description Unlimited access to Proctorio, which provides automated online proctoring services as well as identity verification as part of its comprehensive learning integrity platform, to be made available to all California Community Colleges. Funding Support Funding support ends December 31, 2020 Implementation Instructions In order to set up a Proctorio account, please contact support@cvc.edu. Proctorio can integrate into individual courses within the local instance of Canvas. Please refer to the following Proctorio How to Guides. |
In-depth training and support materials for systemwide tools are
available in the CVC Ecosystem Portal.
The CCCCO, in an effort to expand support for the colleges during the COVID-19 pandemic, has collaborated with the CVC and the Foundation for California Colleges’ CollegeBuys program to centralize access and procurement of online education tools at a time when most of our instructional and student support services are delivered virtually. With this intent, the CCC Systemwide Technology Access Collaborative (STAC) was created, informed by CVC expertise in the community college digital environment, and CollegeBuys experience in securing special contract pricing for our system. The purpose of STAC is to leverage greater economies of scale that lead to expanded cost savings by centrally coordinating procurements of online education tools provided in the attached STAC Order Form.
To participate in STAC colleges should:
Please note that pricing reflected on the Order Form is not-to-exceed (NTE) pricing, and may get reduced further depending on the system’s economies of scale - this the value STAC aims to deliver, and updated pricing will be reflected in the quote provided by STAC. Colleges unable to participate in STAC (i.e. the Buying Window has closed) may continue to purchase online tools through pre-negotiated special pricing contracts in place at the not-to-exceed cost provided on the Order Form. Pricing and contract information is available via the Foundation for California Community Colleges.