CVC CCMS Advisory Committee Meeting
Is your District still using the ConferZoom in Canvas? If so, this webinar is for you!
CCC TechConnect Zoom is focused on providing our colleges with the best service and support to all users. As part of our ongoing efforts, we will optimize the network for better performance, requiring Districts using ConferZoom in Canvas to migrate to their own District Zoom sub-accounts.
This webinar will present:
· An overview of the changes to expect for faculty/staff.
· A live demonstration of the new tools in Canvas for faculty
· Opportunities for your questions and our answers
Join us for this informative webinar and be prepared for the changes you’ll see in Zoom this fall! There will be time at the end to answer questions.
Registration link for CCC TechConnect Zoom Changes Coming in August 2022 for Everyone!
CCC TechConnect Zoom is focused on providing our colleges with the best service and support to all users. As part of our ongoing efforts, we will be optimizing the network for better performance which require Districts move to a District Zoom account.
Faculty will experience new and exciting changes when scheduling classes through Canvas. ‘TechConnect Zoom’ will replace ‘ConferZoom’ and ‘Student Connect’ will replace ‘Appointment Booking’ for offering 1:1 appointment slots for students.
This webinar will present an overview of the changes to expect for all employees, a live demonstration of the new tools in Canvas for faculty, and opportunities for your questions and our answers.
Join us for this 45-minutes webinar! There will be time at the end to answer questions.
Registration Link:
Join us for this 30-minute webinar and learn about ways that you can protect your meetings using Zoom’s security settings and tools. Topics covered will include reviewing Zoom default settings, in-meeting tools,
Registration link for Prevent Disruptive Behavior in TechConnect Zoom Meetings
As California Community Colleges continue to evolve their online Student Support Services, many platforms are being used. Zoom is one of these platforms. This webinar will showcase how several forward thinking community colleges are meeting the Zoom challenge to effectively meet needs of staff and students. TechConnect Zoom representatives will also share their efforts to meet Student Services needs in these changing times.
Registration link for Zoom for Student Services: How CCC's Use Zoom to Support Student Services
Join us for this 30-minute webinar and learn about "best practices" for using TechConnect's Zoom services. This includes what the latest, upgraded services are and how they are available for class meetings, office hours, counseling, tutoring, and more. Focus will be placed on how these CCCCO-funded technology services support the California Community Colleges system's faculty and students. There will be time at the end to answer questions. Register today to reserve a seat!
Registration link for Best Practices: TechConnect Zoom Services
Join us for this 30-minute webinar and learn about "Student Connect", the latest, upgraded service from CCC TechConnect. Using Zoom and Canvas, or even as a stand-alone product, instructors, counselors, tutors and more can meet with students virtually using simple, integrated interfaces.
There will be time at the end to answer questions.
Register today to reserve a seat!
Registration link for: CCC TechConnect's Student Connect: An easy and equitable way to facilitate virtual meetings between students, faculty and staff
TechConnect Zoom is offering Districts and Colleges the opportunity to manage employee Zoom accounts, add-on licenses, access valuable data, and manage recordings. Connect Zoom to your SSO, move to the new Zoom integration for Canvas, integrate Marketplace apps and more. Join us to learn how you can get started and plan for a Summer/Fall/Winter migration and join the 40+ colleges who have already made the move!
To participate, visit this registration link.
Zoom Training: MWF @12-1pm and TTH 9-10am
Learn simple steps for preventing uninvited guests from joining your classes or meetings. Plus, we will show you how to manage participants who may become disruptive.
Join us for this webinar, 45 minutes of useful information on how these tools support your work. There will also be time at the end to answer your questions.
Register today to reserve a seat, and receive links to the recording afterwards to share with your colleagues.