If a college campus needs to close completely, restrict access to students and/or staff, or accommodate students or staff who are quarantined, the following resources can help ensure continuity of quality operations in the instructional and student services areas:
- Ensure that all faculty have access to Canvas and Zoom regardless of location.
- Create Canvas shells for all courses. Every college has the ability to create shells for all courses, whether face-to-face or online. Contact your local Learning Management System (LMS) administrator for support.
- Post documents, notices, videos in Canvas, and use features for student interaction and work submission. The CVC-OEI has a checklist of best practices.
- Integrate Zoom, Office 365 and/or Google into Canvas. These tools support online office hours, class meetings and document sharing.
- Notify students that classes may move online or make use of online tools, and direct them to online learning modules at cvc.edu.
- Contact the CVC-OEI at support@cvc.edu for assistance in using instructional tools, moving instruction online temporarily, or providing faculty support.
- Prepare for increased requests for technical assistance:
- Establish a local help desk.
- Familiarize staff with Instructure help aides, including Canvas Guides and Canvas Community, which can be found by clicking the Help? button located in the Canvas global navigation bar.
- Create a series of standard help aides to answer the most common questions (e.g. How do I reset my password?)
- Additionally, the CVC-OEI's statewide Canvas license includes after-hours support. Contact your local LMS administrator for more information.
- Wellness Central is a free online health and wellness resource, however, it does not provide direct health services. Resources include stress relief and cold + flu modules.
- If some students choose not to attend counseling sessions and other face-to-face appointments, provide alternatives via ConexED.
- Tutoring can be moved online using the Pisces platform. Tutors can access training here.
- Contact the CVC-OEI at support@cvc.edu for assistance in continuing student services online temporarily.
Other ideas and resources shared by colleges can be found here.